New York City's Landmark Preservation Commission to consider landmarking Rudolph's Modulightor Building
In 2019 The Paul Rudolph Estate and the Paul Rudolph Institute for Modern Architecture (PRIMA, then known as the Paul Rudolph Heritage Foundation) filed a Request For Evaluation of Paul Rudolph’s Modulightor building as a New York City landmark with the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission.
The Landmarks Preservation Commission is responsible for identifying and designating the special buildings and sites that represent the architectural, historical and cultural heritage of New York City. The Commission’s Research Department accepts suggestions from the public regarding potential historic resources throughout the five boroughs. If a property appears to rise to the level of significance necessary to be considered for Landmark designation, the agency may conduct additional research, and may recommend it for consideration by the Commission.
Following subsequent conversations with PRIMA about the Commission’s interest in considering the Modulightor Building as a potential New York City landmark, the Commission plans to move forward in the designation process by holding a vote on October 3rd, 2023 to decide whether to calendar the building for a future public hearing.
Calendaring is the first formal step in the process for considering a building for designation. If the site is calendared, a public hearing will be scheduled so that all interested parties, including property owners and their representatives, relevant community boards, elected officials, community groups and members of the public can testify or submit written testimony regarding the proposed designation.
“The Modulightor Building’s remarkable front and rear elevations are composed of intersecting and overlapping horizontal and vertical rectangles of varying projection and size. Painted white, the steel I-beams form jigsaw-like screens that recall the De Stijl movement, Russian Constructivism, and Mies van der Rohe, as well a Rudolph’s celebrated Milam Residence of 1959-1961.”
You can download a copy of the LPC calendar showing the Modulightor Building as item #2 on the agenda here.
Here’s how to attend the meeting:
TUESDAY, October 3rd at 9:30 AM
The public hearing room at 1 Centre Street, 9th Floor, in the Borough of Manhattan.
Participation by videoconference may be available as well. Please check the hearing page on LPC’s website ( for updated hearing information.
The final order and estimated times for each application will be posted on the Landmarks Preservation Commission website the Friday before the hearing. Please note that the order and estimated times are subject to change. An overflow room is located outside of the primary doors of the public hearing room.
Members of the public not attending in person can observe the meeting on LPC’s YouTube channel at and may testify on particular matters by joining the meeting using either the Zoom app or by calling in from any phone. Specific instructions on how to observe and testify, including the meeting ID and password, and the call-in number, will be posted on the agency’s website, on the Monday before the public hearing.