Our Mission — Paul Rudolph Institute for Modern Architecture

The MISSION of the PAUL RUDOLPH Institute for Modern Architecture

 is to spread knowledge about the profound legacy of Paul Rudolph, and to preserve the work of this great and internationally-important 20th century architect.

The Institute, through its Board and a dedicated group of volunteers, pursues this mission through:

  • Education — about Rudolph’s architecture, urbanism, thinking, and design work in many fields: through exhibits, tours, publications, presentations, and on-line resources

  • Advocacy — against the demolition or neglect of Rudolph’s work; and testifying against such destruction

  • Encouragement — of responsibility among the owners and stewards of Rudolph-designed buildings, including directing them to conservation and restoration advice and assistance

  • Providing — connections between sellers of Rudolph properties with preservation-minded buyers and design-sensitive real estate professionals

  • Research — into the many areas of design in upon which Rudolph focused, utilizing archives, interviews, and other information resources; and documenting his works

  • Support — for scholarship about Paul Rudolph’s vast body of work

  • Community — providing venues—both tangible & virtual—for those who appreciate great Modern design to meet, exchange views, and create allies.

Founded in in 2015, The Paul Rudolph Institute for Modern Architecture is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.