Preservation Alert: How you can be a part of today's Landmark Commission meeting about the Halston Residence
UPDATE: today’s meeting at the New York Landmarks Preservation Commission will be virtual.
After rejection by the Full Board of Community Board 8, a proposal to alter the front facade of the Alexander Hirsch/Halston Residence will go before the New York Landmarks Preservation Commission this afternoon for a ‘certificate of appropriateness’
You can download a copy of the LPC calendar showing it as item #13 on the agenda here.
The project number is LPC-23-07040 and the public is encouraged to attend and speak out against this proposal.
Here’s how to attend the public hearing so you can voice your opposition to this proposal:
TODAY at 2:45 PM (exact timing of item is expected around 3:45 PM)
Today’s February 28, 2023 Public Hearing/Meeting WILL BE VIRTUAL. Read below on how to join:
Public Hearing/Meeting Agenda (times are subject to change)
The livestream will be available on our YouTube channel
Join the Zoom meeting using the link below:
Or Dial in using the numbers below
646 558 8656 US (New York)
877 853 5257 US Toll-free
888 475 4499 US Toll-free
Webinar ID: 828 8985 6536
Passcode: 534310
See instructions for participating in the virtual public hearings/meetings below.
Instructions for Participating in Virtual LPC Public Hearings/Meetings
Instrucciones para participar en vistas públicas/reuniones virtuales de LPC (Español/Spanish)
参加纽约市地标保护委员会(LPC)虚拟听证会及会议说明 (简体中文/ Simplified Chinese)
參加紐約市地標保護委員會(LPC)虛擬聽證會及會議說明 (繁體中文/Traditional Chinese)
If you have any concerns about access to and/or participating in the LPC’s virtual hearings, please contact Sonia Guior, Director of Community and Intergovernmental Affairs, at and they will work with you to make accommodations.